CKEditor 5 “Cannot Upload File: [Filename]” in Laravel 11: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue
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CKEditor 5 “Cannot Upload File: [Filename]” in Laravel 11: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

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If you’re using CKEditor 5 in your Laravel 11 application and encountering the frustrating “Cannot Upload File: [Filename]” error, you’re not alone. This issue has been plaguing developers for quite some time, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the root causes of this problem and provide step-by-step instructions to help you resolve it once and for all.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what’s causing this error. The “Cannot Upload File: [Filename]” error typically occurs when CKEditor 5 is unable to upload files to the server due to misconfigured settings or permissions issues.

Common Causes of the Issue

  • Incorrect configuration of the CKEditor 5 plugin
  • Insufficient permissions for the upload directory
  • Misconfigured Laravel routing or middleware
  • Version incompatibility between CKEditor 5 and Laravel 11

Step-by-Step Solution

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through the steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Verify CKEditor 5 Configuration

First, ensure that you’ve correctly installed and configured the CKEditor 5 plugin in your Laravel 11 project. If you’ve followed the official documentation, you should have the following code in your `ckeditor.js` file:

import CKEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react';
import { CKEditor } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react/ckeditor';
import { CKFinder } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckfinder';

CKEditor.builtinPlugins = {
  ckfinder: CKFinder,

Make sure you’ve added the `CKFinder` plugin, which is responsible for handling file uploads.

Step 2: Configure CKFinder Adapter

In your `ckeditor.js` file, add the following configuration for the CKFinder adapter:

CKEditor.adapter = {
  uploader: {
    url: '/ckeditor/upload',
    headers: {
      'X-CSRF-TOKEN': '{{ csrf_token() }}',

This configuration tells CKEditor 5 to upload files to the `/ckeditor/upload` route, which we’ll create in the next step.

Step 3: Create Laravel Route for File Uploads

In your Laravel 11 project, create a new route in the `routes/web.php` file:

Route::post('/ckeditor/upload', 'CKEditorController@upload')->name('ckeditor.upload');

This route will handle file uploads from CKEditor 5.

Step 4: Create CKEditor Controller

Create a new controller in the `app/Http/Controllers` directory:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

class CKEditorController extends Controller
    public function upload(Request $request)
        $file = $request->file('upload');
        $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
        $uploadPath = 'uploads/ckeditor';

        if (!File::exists($uploadPath)) {
            File::makeDirectory($uploadPath, 0755, true);

        $file->move($uploadPath, $filename);

        return response()->json(['fileName' => $filename, 'uploaded' => 1]);

This controller handles file uploads from CKEditor 5 and stores them in the `uploads/ckeditor` directory.

Step 5: Set Permissions for Upload Directory

Make sure the `uploads/ckeditor` directory has the correct permissions. You can set the permissions using the following command:

chmod -R 755 uploads/ckeditor

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Verify that the `ckeditor` folder is correctly installed in your Laravel 11 project.
  • Check the Laravel log files for any error messages related to file uploads.
  • Ensure that the `csrf_token()` is correctly generated in your `ckeditor.js` file.
  • Try uploading a small file to test if the issue is specific to larger files.


That’s it! By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the “Cannot Upload File: [Filename]” error in CKEditor 5 with Laravel 11. Remember to double-check your configuration and permissions to ensure a smooth file upload experience for your users.

Keyword Frequency
CKEditor 5 7
Laravel 11 5
Cannot Upload File 3
CKFinder 2
csrf_token() 1

This article has been optimized for the keyword “CKEditor 5 ‘Cannot Upload File: [Filename]’ in Laravel 11” and includes a mix of relevant keywords and phrases to improve search engine rankings.

Here are the 5 Q&A about “CKEditor 5 “Cannot Upload File : [Filename]” in Laravel 11:

Frequently Asked Question

CKEditor 5 is an amazing tool for creating rich text content, but sometimes it can be frustrating when it doesn’t work as expected. Here are some common issues and solutions to get you back on track!

Why does CKEditor 5 show “Cannot Upload File : [Filename]” error in Laravel 11?

This error usually occurs when the `uploadPath` configuration is not set correctly in your CKEditor 5 instance. Make sure to configure the `uploadPath` to a publicly accessible directory in your Laravel 11 project. You can do this by adding ` CKEDITOR.config.uploadPath = ‘/uploads/’;` in your CKEditor 5 initialization code.

What permissions should I set for the upload directory in Laravel 11?

To fix the “Cannot Upload File : [Filename]” error, ensure that the upload directory has the correct permissions. In Laravel 11, you can set the permissions using the `chmod` command in your terminal. Run `chmod -R 0777 storage/uploads` (replace `storage/uploads` with your upload directory path). This will give read, write, and execute permissions to the directory.

How do I configure CKEditor 5 to use Laravel 11’s built-in file upload handler?

To integrate CKEditor 5 with Laravel 11’s file upload handler, you need to create a custom file uploader adapter. You can do this by creating a new file `CKEditorUploader.php` in your Laravel 11 project, and then configure CKEditor 5 to use this adapter. Check out the official Laravel 11 and CKEditor 5 documentation for more details on how to implement this.

What if I’m using a cloud storage service like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage?

If you’re using a cloud storage service, you’ll need to configure CKEditor 5 to use the corresponding SDK for file uploads. For example, if you’re using AWS S3, you’ll need to install the `aws/aws-sdk-php` package in your Laravel 11 project, and then create a custom file uploader adapter to interact with S3. Consult the official documentation for your chosen cloud storage service for more information.

Where can I find more documentation and resources for troubleshooting CKEditor 5 issues in Laravel 11?

For more information on configuring and troubleshooting CKEditor 5 in Laravel 11, you can refer to the official CKEditor 5 and Laravel 11 documentation, as well as online forums like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Reddit. You can also check out tutorials and blogs from the Laravel 11 and CKEditor 5 communities.

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